BILLY! Here's a great article that touches on WHY so many JWs become atheist, or agnostic, as opposed to switching to other denominations, or developing a more personal relationship with JC through the Bible. BTW: most 'mainstream' denominations do just that, try to help the believer foster a personal relationship. Few, that I've run across regard themselves as the one and only TRUE religion, though unfortunately, that's what all JWs believe about theirs. They are taught that all other churches are part of evil 'Chistandom.' They are also staunch Biblical literalists, yet the interpetations they take so literally are often twisted to begin with. Add all the Pharisee-like rules and regulations, and it's no wonder they want nothing to do with organized religion of any kind, after 'waking up.' Spiritually speaking, they've become 'damaged goods' by this time, whether they want to admit or not.
I'm a non-JW, though I have some in the family. So, I'm on the outside looking in. I do consider myself a believer in JC's sacrifice, but I don't judge. I don't shun. And some of my best buds are what you'd consider agnostic/atheist. One of them is a dog lover, and raises service dogs. Anyway, here's a link to that article: